The PUMP Vision PV1 and PUMP Vision PV2 are 3.5” color touch screen 4-20 mA analog signal level controllers that bring municipal pump station features to commercial panel prices. These controllers are small and inexpensive, yet they provide all of the basic functions needed in a transducer based level controller including:
PUMP Vision PV1 Features
PUMP Vision PV2 Additional Features
Communications. Modbus RTU, Modbus IP, Ethernet IP, BACnet, LonWorks, Metasys, and other BAS and SCADA protocols are supported, some are optional.
Internet. Remote access to screen controls with Internet connection.
PV2 Installation and Operation Manual (.pdf)
The Main Dashboard provides a lot of information in one screen and in a very easy to understand format. Included on the screen is:
▪ Digital display of level
▪ Status inidicator for each pump
▪ Alarm status
A dashboard is provided for each pump, and includes:
▪ Status indicator
▪ Seal failure (moisture) alarm indicator
▪ Over-temperature alarm indicator
▪ Total run time and number of starts
A screen is provided for alternation setup.
▪ Pump 1 or Pump 2 constant lead
▪ Automatic—each pumping cycle
▪ Time Clock—changes duty pump each 24 hrs.